So, due to me forgetting my account log-in for wordpress and wordpress being buggers and not "being able to locate my account"....I now welcome you all to....THE NERDY NONCONFORMIST.
*pause for round of applause*
I think I'm going to add a few things to the blog. First, video blogs will be added. I keep getting the question "Are you going to start a YouTube page?" Well, the answer is...maybe. LOL. It depends on the response to the videos. If they ones of me by myself is received well, from there, I will expand into adding people or doing interviews.
Secondly, I'm CONSIDERING adding guest bloggers. I discuss a variety of things, but I'm well aware that I am no expert. I want to present information to ya'll that is clear and concise. Plus, while there are things that go on in the world every day, I may not have the right words to express the ideals of the blog....ergo, finding others who have similar or even opposing views maybe a solid way to go.
Finally, the POETRY. The thing that is asked for the most. *smile* Now, I won't give ya'll MUCH, considering that I am still compiling enough pieces for a nice, solid poetry/photography book...but I will give ya'll the vernacular art that might be considered "Too Hot" for Facebook or "Too Long" for the book.
The "AngyBlackNerd" was considered as a title. As was "FatSmartandFabulous". But The Nerdy Nonconformist seems so right, don't you agree?
So...without further adieu...let's go....