I haven't posted since December. So not cool.
It hasn't been for lack of time, mind you. I think it's more....personal space from my thoughts. I've been under a lot of stress lately, so it's hard for me to write and not just....put people out there, ya know? As open as I am about my views on various subjects, I'm actually pretty quiet about my personal affairs and the issues I go though. True, I'll say I'm stressed, but I never really say why, and I like it that way. It keeps *certain* people from knowing your weaknesses.
Besides, things like Twitter give me the instant satisfaction of almost yelling out a thought, whereas the blog I have to actually sit and formulate something. This has always been my downfall. I have the attention span of a 8 year old boy unless it's something I'm REALLY into. But I digress.
But look here. I have been working on a few things. I've narrowed down the storyline and characters behind the book "Confessions of a Bi-Sexual Christian", and I've changed one of my novel ideas in a series of three short stories. The poetry book "See, I've Been Thinking" has been taken back to the drawing board, but I PROMISE YOU, once these things come out, ya'll will see why I've sat on them for so long. I want to put out good work. I want to be proud. I want you to be proud.
(Just a reminder of what the cover of See I've Been Thinking will look like. Poem titles have changed. LOL)
OH! And I want to do a coffee table book. I'm thinking of calling it #Love (yes, with the hashtag and all) and I want to take intimate pictures of various couples. Black, white, gay, straight. I want it to be a reminder of the one vibration that we all share; the one that makes us soar, cry, yell and chill all at the same time.
But I digress. I just wanted to shoot ya'll an update. I'm thinking of posting a few poems and some logos that I"m currently working on. Yes, the girl is growing into her own. *presses hands together and bows* Namaste :)