So recently,
a church fired their young pastor for attending a Rick Ross concert. He was young, gifted, and apparently was the youngest pastor in the 100 year history of the church. And while I'm not in the church right now, as someone who grew up within the confines and restrictions of the church, I understand the concern that the members and the board of the church would have when dealing with this situation.
Hold on. Let me put on my First Lady hat real quick...... |
Now, let's keep in mind that when you say that you are "called by God," there are a lot of things that you now have to consider and think on. Being a Pastor is not the same as being a regular old Christian. You can't drink (well, your not supposed to) and your supposed to be a better man because of your position. You are now in a position of authority: You are responsible for teaching and preaching the word, counseling, healing, and the overall spiritual health of your flocks. Simply put, there are secular things that a Pastor just can't do. Why? Because you're supposed to be of a higher moral ground. You're moral compass is supposed to be better. Why? BECAUSE YOU ARE CALLED. You are supposed to have a direct line to God, so sorry having that beer out at the bar isn't supposed to happen.
And let's address this whole "But my pastor uses Hip Hop as a reference tool all the time!" First, let me be clear. If your Pastor is using U.E.O.N.U (or however the fuck that shit is spelled) as a "teaching tool", then you may want to switch churches. We aren't talking about a Pastor using Chuck D or Poor Righteous Teachers a teaching tool, because the images and thought processes behind that sort of music is different and it does fit the spirit of the church: Unity. Community. Personal responsibility. And let's be real. Referencing a song during a sermon is NOT the same as paying money to attend the concert. And to attend the concerts of people who are so blatantly against what you as a Pastor claims you represent kinda makes me view you strangely.
Meh. But what do I know? I'm just a kid who had to write the bible as punishment. What do I know about the roles of a Pastor.