You know....the love of the black male genitals is a strange love story.
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Google "Black Male Artistic Nudes" sometime. It's intriguing. |
And I know why it's done. It's about the dick. The penis. The tallywacker. The schlong. It's about the perceived sexual nature of the Black man, something that goes back to moment the Dutch took the first African off the continent. Throughout history, the Black Man's dick has been something he has been killed over, demonized about, and overall heralded as some oversized.
The 1970s changed that to me.
For me, the Blaxplotation movie was the first time I ever was introduced to the Black Man as a sexual being. Seeing Rudy Ray Moore in bed with four and five women (many times, only one or two would be Black; the rest white); Seeing Goldie openly pimp women and seeing these women fall in LOVE with him; it was fascinating. It was intriguing. Seeing Black men wanted - desired - CRAVED was amazing to me.
The 90s ushered in the Black athlete and his sexual prowess. The stories of Wilt Chamberlain became more and more open. The pictures of Magic Johnson surrounded by beautiful women. Dennis Rodman and his many stories of his love affairs with some of the most famous women in the world. All stories based in sex. All stories based in how big their dicks were. How they made it swing. How that thang made women feel.
And I don't know if it was because the 90s was the Black Sexual Revolution (I will discuss this in a Sex Positive Sunday post. I promise) or what, but the 90s made the Black dick cool to discuss. Bernie Mac famously said "If I pull out my dick the whole room will get dark" - Man, I remember the audience of Def Comedy Jam ROARING with laughter.
And then, high school.
Ever seen a group of white girls call a Black Man "nigger" in one breath, then offer to suck his dick the next? I have. Ever seen a group of Black men EAT THAT SHIT UP? I have. It was confusing. It was angering. I wanted to protect my brothas (because that's what Black girls are taught - PROTECT THE MALE) but how could I protect them when them seemed to like it? When they liked sneaking around with (insert a stereotypical white girl name)? I didn't want my Black men treated as a fetish....but.....they seemed to like it. Maybe it was because we were at a school that was 60% white for MOST of my academic career. But it seems like the brothas enjoyed the attention. So what could I say but watch from the sidelines, head shaking. Wondering.
So now, I'm in my 30s. And I'm looking at social media. Seeing how women of other races flock to social media accounts where Black men display their prints in those gray sweat pants. Seeing where Latina women post things like "Black Dick is for Latinas." Seeing white women post things like "That Big Black dick is coming home to me and not you nigger bitches" (Yes. These are things that have really crossed my twitter timeline) And I can't reconcile it. It doesn't compute. This isn't desire. This is the over sexual usage, desire and breakdown of a body part. It's not love. It's not concern - because as it was so aptly pointed out, the Kim Ks of the world aren't the ones screaming "Black Lives Matter" when a young brotha is shot to death by cops. But it's an overwhelming desire to feel conquered by something that seems so forbidden, still, in 2016.
And then I got to thinking of media stereotypes that date back to the movie "Birth of A Nation" (No Nate Parker)
Buck slave.
Our brothas have always been a fetish. And we ain't even know it. And sadly - it ain't a love story.
It's a legitimate nightmare.