Monday, April 29, 2013

The Lake Show Is Dead

So, I didn't want to make this declaration.  I didn't. Not because I'm a Lakers fan (I'm a Sixers Girl) and I don't hate the Lakers per se (their fans are DEFINITELY a different story however....ha!) but I think it needed to be said because you cats are in a state of disillusion and what kind of friend would I be if I didn't shake you by the shoulders and say "Hey. Wake up, honey."

The Lake Show as you knew it is dead.  It actually started it's slow decline in 2010, with those pictures Kobe took. Oh. You forgot the pictures?

No lie. The moment I saw this, I said in my head "It's a wrap for the Lakers. This man got on a bow tie, a 3/4ths length shirt, a hat and a sweat band. AND IS THAT TINTED LIPGLOSS?!?!?!"

*leaps out window*

I digress.  After they got swept by the Dallas Mavericks (for real...who saw that coming? They didn't put up a fight or anything!) and the public meltdown of several of the players caught the attention of everyone, the chips just started falling at will. They lost their fearless leader in Phil Jackson. Fisher got traded. They got Nash (who I think at one point said he would NEVER wear a Laker jersey); They got some kid from Orlando who has never really been a factor in the game but because he is a big guy, he gets a lot of attention (a modern day Shaq if you will, but at least Shaq had the rings to back up anything he said). They got Pau, who shows up and plays when it's cool for his pysche, And....that's about it. Who else is making it happen for the Lakers.Oh yea. This guy.
But he is a clutch player. Can't take that away from him.

But yo...for real....The Los Angeles Lakers WILL NOT be contenders again until the 2014-2015 season. Quote me.

This Whole Tebow Thing.....

Think back for a second. Ya'll remember when Tebow FIRST got drafted, and I said "Hey. The kid is OK, but he only got drafted because the NFL needed a PR savior?" Oh, ya'll dogged me.  Said I didn't know sports. Called me a hack. Said I didn't know anything because I was a *gasp* GIRL.  And all I did was smile. You know why? Because I know a media move when I see it.

See, Tebow isn't that great. We all know this.  If he was a great as others though he was, he'd be a starter. Period. Point blank. But see, Tebow was NEEEEDDDEEEEDDDDDDDD, do ya hear me. NEEDED.  The league was plagued with one quarterback who had rape charges, another who was just getting out of federal prison on dog fighting charges, and many other players who decided that they were going to drink and drive, beat up their girlfriends, and do whatever else they wanted to do because they are, after all, human.  With all this going on, the NFL commish had to do something. ANYTHING. Even if that meant have the media hype up convince a team to draft a player who was good looking, Godly, hard-working but not talented; someone who you wanted your dated to lose her virginity to; someone who would be a good look.  Someone who, as Mike Golic called him this morning,is  "a commodity".

And TA DA! Here you have Tim Tebow.  A young kid who made OK grades who was Godly, a virgin, and just so damn nice that you felt bad if you didn't at least try to like him. I mean, he has built a PR empire on being "nice."  Such is life; such is his lane.

Now, my stance on his talent is still the same; he needs to go to the CFL, fine tune a few things, and come back strong OR he could accept being passed around in the NFL until it's "his time".  The second tactice would work.  "Well Kitti, why?"

I'll tell you why. 

In 5 to 10 years, when the RGIII's and Mark Sanchez's of the league are getting ready to hit their climax, he will just be getting started? Why? Because he has been sitting on the bench, taking no wear and tear on his bones, getting rubbed up by trainers, and viewing the mistakes of others. So look, don't feel bad for Tebow. He is a PR commodity; we will see him again.