So.....the portal to #blacktwitter has become a "thing". Open to any and all who come to twitter and click the hashtag or search for it. I'm going to be honest.
I don't like it.
Who ain't here for #BlackTwitter being mainstream is me. |
Black twitter is now up to be scruntinized amd baptized in the waters of mainstream media. We all know what that means; that when something goes on, the MSM will take the wildest, dumbest most ignorant tweet they can from Black Twitter and make it the battle cry of Black America. While we have all said "I'm packing my shit and leaving black twitter!", for the most part, we take a lot of the things said at face value. Sometimes, it's HILARIOUS. Sometimes, it's sad. Sometimes, it's a great way to get information to the masses. All I see in my head is mainstream media taking one or two tweets and making it the voices of masses. Or taking one tweet out of context and saying "This is what black America thinks!" Other cultures are going to google black twitter and now think they "understand". The truth is that it takes more than 140 characters and a few emojis to describe or define an entire culture. Being black is not slotted; there is no definition of "being black" and we will be catagorized by bios and twitpics, and never for who we are or could be.
Black twitter will be another way to profile our thoughts and actions. Suddenly leaders will have to be elected and it will become clique centered. Profiling will be worse. Scrutiny and misunderstandings will happen, all because the mainstream is now paying attention and always looking for ways to discredit.
And can we address the fact that now that Black Twitter is "a thing", it'll be hi-jacked and used against us? Have we forgotten what has happened to Hip-Hop? Dance? All things that have been deemed apart of the "Black Sub-culture"? The moment the mainstream got ahold of it? BOOM. It instantly became a shell of what it used to be. Don't follow me? Ok. Let's look at it on a historical level: look at HBCUs BEFORE they had to join with "mainstream" academics and look at them now. *chin stroke*
I don't know about this, guys.
I feel like we may lose our voice now that we are being heard.
*sits back and watches the show*