Thursday, April 4, 2013

Discipline & Being Black

Okay, so last week, we all heard about the two daughters who were "beat down" by their father for "twerking".  Before we clear up a few things, let's discuss and clear up a few of the details::

                  1) Two girls went to stay with their father for the weekend.

                  2) Upon returning to their mother's house, she sees welps and bruises and calls the cops.

                  3) The girls were whipped with the cords from the TV and DVD player.

                  4) The girls themselves have admitted they got the punishment for sneaking out the house.


                  5) The father has been arrested and charged with corporal abuse.

So you don't think I'm making up these details

First off all, I know society. Now, the girls look to be pre-teens in the video. If they would have snuck out and got pregnant, everyone would have said "the parents should have whooped their ass more."  Matter of fact, that's the one thing everyone says when folks act out as young adults/teenagers: "If you would have got your ass whooped when you were a kid, you wouldn't (insert whatever offense)*  The FIRST thing people said when the bus driver gave the girl an uppercut was "If she would have got more uppercuts as a kid, she wouldn't have put her hands on the bus driver." But because he "got caught" (read: there was provable video), suddenly, everyone is so outraged.  Everyone is so alarmed.  It's so....wrong. Question:: Where are ya'll when these mothers out here are beating their daughters over and over and calling it discipline?

And I've heard some say that physical discipline is reminscient of our "slave days". Basically, our ancestors were beat, so we beat each other and our kids.  The unending cycle of violence and despair they say.  You know, I see their point, but as a child who HAD to have physically discipline (mental discipline doesn't work when your kid is smarter than 90% of their peers *smart black girl shrug*) I'm not going to say my parents were wrong. I can count the times on one hand my father physically disciplined me.  My mother and I stayed going round and round, but like I said, I was a handfull and I tested her on a daily. So what was her recourse?

See we don't like when people use creative ways to discipline their kids. We say they are shaming and being unfair. This is my thing: Every kid is different. Some kids don't care about time out; they didn't at 2 years old, and they won't at 15. Some kids don't care about taking a an ass whipping; they didn't at 2 years old, and they won't at 15.  Take the time to know YOUR KID and know YOUR TEMPERANCE. Screw society; screw these pseudo-child psychologist and super pro-black types. Do what is best for you and your family.


  1. Yes I can say I was one that whipping was just like okay so what. I did not like pain but I would do the same thing over and over. Taking away stuff that was important is what worked like lock down, no outside interaction and nothing but church and school is what worked for me more than raising a hand.
